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How I adapted my business during COVID-19: an interview with Sharon Gardner from Core of Life

Core of Life based in Brockley, take a naturopathic approach to health and wellbeing. They work with people on a one to one basis offering tailor made personalised wellness plans. They also run Pilates and cookery classes and educate on the benefits of a plant based diet. We caught up with naturopathic practioner Sharon Gardner to find out how she’s had to adapt to a new way of working, as well as supporting her older client’s access classes online.

How has COVID-19 affected your business?

Before lockdown I was teaching Pilates in Brockley and plant based cookery classes across London, as well as offering face-to- face personalised consultations to help people improve their health and wellbeing. All of this had to stop as we went into lockdown. For a few weeks I felt in limbo whilst I figured out what to do next.

I started looking into how I could offer what I do online. My regular Pilates clients were keen to continue their weekly class but learning to use new technology was initially a barrier for some of them. I prepared step by step instructions so they could set up zoom accounts themselves at home. My oldest client is in her 80’s, so it was wonderful to see them embrace change, and I’ve also learnt new skills myself in the process.

Not only have the weekly classes give them the motivation to continue exercising, it has also kept them connected. Many were shielding and feeling isolated, so it is nice for them to catch-up with each other before and after the class.

I was also able to move my cookery classes online too, which has also worked really well.

Have you seen an uptake in customers since lockdown has eased?

My clients are happy to continue classes online for now as they still prefer to limit contact with others. One of the benefits of online delivery is being able to reach a bigger audience because people can connect from wherever they are, so yes things have been busier.

What are your plans for the future?

I would certainly like to offer more online courses.

During lockdown I started working with organisations consulting on sustainability and plant based living which is something I’d like to expand.

Prior to lockdown I was running pop up café’s and supper clubs which I’d like to be able to do again at some point. I think it would be nice for people to be able to cook their own plant based meal and for everyone to sit and eat together at the end of the session. Find out more about Core of Life.

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