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COVID-19 in Lewisham 21 October update

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health, shares the latest update on steps to protect our community from coronavirus: vaccinations for 12-15 year olds; new rules on testing when returning from abroad; and the importance of regular rapid testing.

Vaccinations for 12-15 year olds

An NHS vaccination team has been visiting schools across the borough in recent weeks, delivering COVID-19 vaccinations to consented 12 to 15 year olds. This follows the Chief Medical Officer’s advice to parents and carers to get their child(ren) vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect them against severe symptoms of COVID-19 and the hidden harms of isolation and lost time at school.

We know many of our children and young people in Lewisham have been impacted by school closures and isolating at home. Vaccination is the most effective way to protect against COVID-19 and getting your child vaccinated is the best way to keep them safe and not miss school.

It will soon be possible to book COVID-19 vaccinations for 12 to 15 year olds outside of school. Next week, University Hospital Lewisham will be running a three-day walk-in Pfizer vaccination clinic for 12 to 15 year olds who have not yet been vaccinated at school:

When: 9am-4.30pm, on 26, 27 and 28 October 2021

Where: Lessof Auditorium, Education Centre, University Hospital Lewisham, High Street, Lewisham, SE13 6LH.

You will need to come to the clinic with your child so that we can confirm your consent.

If you have concerns or questions about COVID-19 vaccination, either for your child or for yourself, you can book a free, impartial and confidential conversation with a Lewisham healthcare professional in one of over 200 languages. Book online or by calling 07828 499044. You can also find Frequently Asked Questions on the NHS in South East London website.

Travelling abroad this half-term?

Government rules on COVID-19 testing for travellers returning home from a country that isn’t on the red list are changing. As an alternative to PCR tests, fully vaccinated travellers and most under-18s will be able to take lateral flow tests – also known as rapid tests - from approved private testing providers. These tests are cheaper and deliver faster results than PCR tests. The list of approved providers goes live tomorrow (22 October). Find more information on GOV.UK about the new rules for COVID-19 testing when returning home from abroad.

The importance of rapid tests

We’ve come a very long way since the first COVID-19 lockdown. In recent months, we’ve been able to enjoy getting back to ‘normal’ life: in-person catch-ups with friends and colleagues, group leisure activities, religious gatherings – to name but a few!

Vaccination has been key. It has reduced the number of people needing hospital care. It also reduces the risk of infection, but many people who have been vaccinated are still getting infected and then passing it on to family, friends and others.

Infection rates are now rising again in Lewisham, in other parts of London and nationally.

As it gets colder and darker we’re spending more time indoors. This increases the risk of getting and spreading COVID-19.

Regular testing for people without COVID-19 symptoms is a powerful weapon in controlling infection levels. One in three people infected show no symptoms but can still spread the virus, so testing with a rapid test is the easiest way to know if you have an infection.

Over the past few months, we have seen fewer residents collecting rapid tests to use at home. If we want to continue doing things we enjoy – meeting people we want to meet, going to places we want to go – we must recognise the importance of testing as part of our weekly routine and before meeting others.

Rapid tests are accurate, free and easy to get. They can be collected at sites across the borough. If you have no COVID-19 symptoms, take a rapid test twice a week or before you go out to see others. Find more information about taking a rapid test on our website.

If you have symptoms (these can include fever, cough, and loss of smell and taste) or your rapid test result is positive, please stay at home and book a PCR test. You can book a PCR via the NHS website or by calling 119.

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