Building on our diversity beyond October
During a visit to Broadway Theatre Catford, where the Black History Month programme has included a film called #itsmorethanamonth – projected at night on its window - by the people of Lewisham to show the journey of their incredible Black communities, Cllr Bourne said
“I’m so pleased that despite our celebrations feeling very different this year, Lewisham has had a fantastic programme of events, including these fantastic film projections.
“It’s important that we remember that this is more than just a month and that we must not only continue the celebrations but also challenge racial inequality and stand in solidarity against it. Lewisham is unique, so let’s build on our diversity beyond October.”
Examples of our commitment to building on our diversity and tackling Black and BAME inequalities in Lewisham include our work to decolonise the curriculum and our Birmingham & Lewisham African & Caribbean Health Inequalities Review (BLACHIR) project. Find out more about this and other work to tackle racial inequalities.
The #itsmorethanamonth film being projected at Broadway Theatre Catford, until the end of November and is also available to view online. Watch the film #itsmorethanamonth.