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How our adult learning service is supporting people with learning difficulties into employment

Our adult learning service secured UK Community Renewal Funding from the UK Government in 2022 for a new pathway into work programme to help people with learning difficulties find volunteering and paid work opportunities. Since the programme launched, over 30 Supported Learning and Mindlift learners have received one to one support with developing their employability skills. Six learners have successfully transitioned into education, employment, or training, and three of them have secured paid employment.

Charlie KlebellCharlie Kebell has been attending Supported Learning classes in maths, English and work skills since September 2022 to learn new skills. He signed up to the pathways into work programme earlier this year with the aim of gaining paid employment. Charlie started volunteering at the Age Exchange café and has now found paid work experience at the Broadway Theatre in Catford. We spoke to Charlie about how the pathways into work programme has benefited him.

What does having a job mean to you?

‘It means I have my independence. Earning money means that I can one day have a place to myself, I want to show people that I can become independent. I have felt happy since I started working. I used to get upset seeing both my older sisters working, which I wasn’t able to do, now I am working and that has made me happy. My mum has been proud of me for starting work and I am proud of myself. I now understand where I can go from here, I realise my potential and I want to show others they can to’.

How has Adult Learning Lewisham's employment programme helped support you into work?

‘I have found the employment programme helpful. I completed a ‘Pathway’s into Work’ class with Charmayne, who really helped me and a ‘Work Skills’ class with Anne. Both of my tutors taught me new skills, like counting money and helping others, which are skills I use in the workplace. I have also been supported one-one through the programme, which has given me the confidence to push myself and supported me with finding a job. I would like to carry on going to classes at ALL, because I like learning new skills, I would like to try music next’.

How has having access to this programme helped you?

‘It has been so good. I never used to have anyone support me with work. I used to ask my sisters if I could go to work with them. Now I feel so happy I can work myself’.

Charlie’s supported employment advisor James Owen, Partnership and Business Development Apprentice, said: -

‘Charlie’s success in finding paid employment is testament to how hard he has worked this past year. He has been committed to his goals and grown in confidence as he’s achieved them. From working on his English and Maths, to boosting his employability skills Charlie has grown from classroom learning to work experience and into paid employment.

The pathway from classroom learning to paid work is not an easy one, but Charlie dived into the challenge, first completing a four-month work experience placement at the Age exchange Café, an opportunity provided by Lewisham Locals, Building People Changing Minds programme, where he was described as a ‘true team player constantly focused on learning new skills’ to using this experience to hit the ground running as a theatre assistant at the Broadway Theatre. What’s even more commendable is his passion to demonstrate to others that they too have the potential to work’.

Cllr James-J Walsh – Cabinet Member for Communications, Culture and Leisure said: -

Our supported learning programme is transformative for those who use it, whether it's gaining new skills and qualifications for work, or improving life skills to help residents with learning disabilities support themselves through independent living.

Adult Learning Lewisham has also developed strong work relationships with other organisations in the borough such as Lewisham Works, Lewisham Local and Lewisham College, to provide the best possible options for supported learners to progress and achieve their goals’.

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