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What cookies we use

We sometimes place small data files on your computer. These are known as cookies and most websites do this.

They improve things by:

  • remembering who you are after you login to the site
  • prefill some of the online forms with information you already gave to us so you don’t need to keep entering it
  • measuring how you use the website so we can make sure it meets your needs.

Apart from the ones related to the login process our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally. They’re just here to make the site work better for you. Indeed, you can manage and/or delete these small files as you wish. 

Before you login (anonymous browsing)

No personal information is stored or collected by these cookies.

Essential cookies

The areas of Lewisham Council website mentioned below would not work if you disable cookies in your browse.

Online forms

When you transact with the council through one of our online forms we store a cookie on your computer containing information on what type of form is launched. In addition, as you go through different stages in the transaction, information is passed back to our backend systems and a session cookie is used to reference the transaction.

Interactive maps

Due to the design of the mapping application, access to our interactive mapping relies on saving a couple of session cookies on your computer. These are random numbers and strings.

Non-essential cookies

Lewisham website will still work without the non-essential cookies. However, some of the services would be affected, such as the personalised recommendations.

In addition, we would not be able to get a correct image of how our residents use our site (through the website statistics). It would be more difficult for us to improve our web services in the future without understanding the needs of our residents.

After you login (authenticated browsing)

Essential cookies

When you login on our website to access online accounts (Council Tax, Landlords, etc.) or to make secure online payments, we store a series of essential cookies to help us identify you and ensure all transactions and secure and efficient.

Cookie declaration

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