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St Michael's CE Primary School


St Michael's Church Of England Primary School, Champion Road, London, SE26 4HH

Telephone 020 8778 8407
Email admin@stmichaels.lewisham.sch.uk
Website St Michael's CE Primary School

School age range:


School type

voluntary aided




Jacqueline Gillespie

Additional school information

The vision at St Michael’s Church of England School is for every child to flourish and fulfil their potential. The school has a real family feel with a culture of care and nurture and an ethos shaped by Christian values.   We welcome applications from all members of the community including children of other faiths or none.  Please contact the school if you need further information about the application process.

St Michael’s Church of England School Ofsted report

Admissions places available

2020–2021: 30

Admission policies:

Admissions information
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