Kelvin Grove Primary School
Supplementary information forms are not required when applying for this school.
Kelvin Grove Primary School, Kelvin Grove, London, Se26 6Bb
Telephone 020 8699 6300
Kelvin Grove Primary School
School age range:
School type
Ian Hyde
Ofsted report
Admissions places available
2018–2019: 90 (including admission to the resource base for children on the autistic spectrum)
Admission policies:
Admission policy
Special education needs support:
Pupils must:have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Planhave a primary need of ASD diagnosishave the potential to access mainstream lessons and activitiesbe able to communicate basic needs and feelingsbe in the range of average to moderate learning difficultiesdemonstrate that they would benefit from and respond to being in a highly structured, low stimulus environment where ASD strategies are used.
Specialist support offered: One day a week with a Speech and Language Therapist.One visit a year from the Education Psychologist.TEACCH approach.PECS.Makaton.Visual support.Positive Behaviour Management.Social skills training.