Haberdashers' Knights Academy
Haberdashers Knights Academy, Launcelot Road, Bromley, Br1 5Eb
Telephone 020 8461 9240
Haberdashers' Knights Academy
School age range:
School type
Dr Tesca Bennett
Headteacher's message
'We enable our pupils to achieve success by focussing on high-quality teaching, providing an We enable our pupils to achieve success by focussing on high-quality teaching, providing an engaging and stretching curriculum, and focussing on each child as an individual. Our pupils develop confidence and self-esteem through the excellent provision offered through our social, moral, spiritual and cultural curriculum, our sports specialism and our extensive extracurricular activities.'
Additional school information
Please complete and return to the school direct as well as naming this school in your application.
Admissions places available
Places available September 2019: 208 (minus students from Year 6 of primary phase).
Admission places (overall):
Number on roll: 1,340 boys and girls (162 in the sixth form)
Admission policies:
Read about secondary schools admissions criteria.
Executive Head:
Jan Shadick (CEO)