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Deptford Green School

A vibrant, diverse school community that is fully focused on delivering the very best outcomes for its students.


Deptford Green Secondary School, Edward Street, London, SE14 6AN

Telephone 020 8691 3236
Email info@deptfordgreen.lewisham.sch.uk
Website Deptford Green School

School age range:


School type




Emma Thurston

Headteacher's message

At Deptford Green, we offer a truly broad curriculum, and give a great focus on the delivery of English, Maths and Science, whilst retaining a strong arts curriculum with outstanding Drama, Music, Art and Textiles."'At Deptford Green, we offer a truly broad curriculum, and give a great focus on the delivery of English, Maths and Science, whilst retaining a strong arts curriculum with outstanding Drama, Music, Art and Textiles.'  

Additional school information

Supplementary information forms are not required when applying for this school.

Ofsted report


Admissions places available


Additional information


Admission policies:


Special education needs support:

Pupils must:have a statement of Special Educational Needs/Education Health and Care Plan or be undergoing a formal assessment under the 1996 Education Acthave severe dyslexia (SpLD) as their primary educational needhave other associated difficulties, which include dyspraxia, dyscalculia, language difficulties, ADHD and ASDhave the potential to access mainstream classes and activities. Specialist support offered: Specialist teacher, using a variety of multi-sensory programmes.Speech and language therapist.
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