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Young people – relationships

Being in a good relationship is one where you are valued and are not afraid, not told what to do and not hit or harmed in any way.

What is relationship abuse?

Relationship abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age or sexual orientation, and it is never ok. Abuse doesn’t have to be physical (e.g. hitting, slapping, kicking or pushing) it can also be emotional (putting you down verbally, getting angry really quickly, being controlling and threatening, checking your phone etc). This can affect your self-esteem and confidence and make you feel scared and vulnerable.   

Good v bad relationships

It's important to know what the signs of a good, healthy relationship are. Some of those signs can be summarised as someone who: 

  • loves you
  • cares for you
  • trusts you
  • is there for you
  • misses you
  • is vulnerable with you
  • forgives you.

Do you need help?

The Athena Lewisham service is for women and girls aged 13 and over and boys aged 16 and over, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or are unsure of their sexuality.  

In an emergency, always dial 999.  

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