Housing Matters 2012 consultation outcome
What you told us:
there is a high level of agreement around the Council’s housing priorities
we should investigate ways to get extra money to invest in Lewisham housing
we should find ways to increase residents’ influence over decisions
you are concerned about the impact of change, and especially transfer of ownership, on your rights, the rent that you pay and your security of tenure
Lewisham Homes has strong support
you prefer that Lewisham Homes manages your home rather than the Council manages it directly
understanding about the issues we face and the choices we have is quite low
there is little support for a housing association to take over your home
there is some support for a resident-led organisation managing and owning your homes, but that generally people don’t understand what this would mean.
What was decided?
Following the Mayor and Cabinet meeting on 16 January 2013, the Mayor ruled out two of the options; transferring homes to an existing housing association and the Council bringing management of its homes back under Council management. Instead, he asked officers to continue discussions with residents to explore further how it might be possible to evolve Lewisham Homes so as to give residents more control, protect residents’ rights and rents as far as is possible, and attract more money to invest in Lewisham Housing.
What now?
Lewisham Homes, on behalf of the Council, has been door-knocking residents to increase their understanding of the two options and to find out their priorities for their homes and communities. Further consultation will be held with residents to provide more detailed information about how both of the options might address their priorities and their concerns such as rents, security of tenure and residents' rights.