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Transport for pupils aged up to 16

See what transport options are available for pupils aged up to 16 in the borough.

Public transport

Children and young people under 18 can travel free of charge on London buses and trams with a Zip Oyster photocard. Children under 11 can also travel free on London Underground, Overground and DLR services.

Free rail fares

We can reimburse your child's rail fares if their nearest available school is more than five miles away from their home address and one of the following applies:

  • Bullying, including racial harassment, means your child can’t go to the nearest school.

  • You want your child to attend the nearest Catholic, C of E or (for Muslims) single sex school for religious reasons.

  • The child’s family has experienced domestic violence

  • The child is living in temporary accommodation

  • The child has special educational needs and no transport is provided.

  • You have moved and want to keep your child in the same school, if they are in the last year of primary school or they have been at their secondary school for more than one academic year.

  • We allocated your child a place at a school over five miles from home because there were no places in closer schools.

  • We have already granted travel support to siblings attending the same school.

  • Circumstances beyond your control, such as a boundary change, mean you need travel support or your child will have to change schools.

We do not treat low income, curriculum choice, single sex or mixed sex school preference or preference for an out-of-borough school as grounds for justifying travel support.

If you are in temporary accommodation

You need to show us your child benefit letter, proof of address and a tenancy agreement if you are in temporary accommodation.

Fares we can't refund

We cannot refund you for taxi fares or for a parent’s travel fees.

How to apply

Please print and complete this form and return it to us at the address below.


You can download and print the PDF form below.

You can also download the Word document and fill it out on your computer. The word document will not print.

Useful websites


Pupil Support Team

Fourth Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
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