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Timetable for the primary school admissions process for children with an education, health and care plan

​If your child has an education, health and care plan (EHC plan), your application for a primary school place is likely to follow a certain timeline.

Your EHC case officer and education provider should discuss the school application process with you when they issue or review your child’s EHC plan.

School application timetable

02 October 2023

You should submit your school preferences by completing the online form or return your parental preference form to the named EHC caseworker at the Children With Complex Needs Service, Third floor, Kaleidoscope, 32 Rushey Green, SE6 4JF.

Mid-October 2023

A multi-agency panel will meet to discuss your child's special needs and the type of provision they need.

November 2023

A multi-agency panel will meet to consider consultation responses and allocate school places.

January 2024

We will send you a 'Minded to name' letter of our intention to name a school. 

15 February 2024

We will send you an amended EHC plan with a named primary school. Your child's current education and provider and the named school will also get a copy.

Services for children and young people with SEND

This page is part of the 'local offer' for children and young people with special educational needs

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