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Primary school meals

All primary school children in state-maintained schools will be entitled to a free school meal from September 2023 until July 2024.

The meals will be provided through one of the following:

1. means tested free school meals
2. universal Infant free school meals (Key Stage 1 – Reception Year 1 and Year 2 pupils)
3. Mayor of London’s Universal free school meals (Key Stage 2 – Pupils in years 3-6) – 1 Year only

Means tested free school meals

Some families will be eligible for free school meals and other benefits due to their household income.

Schools receive additional funding for all pupils who are eligible for free school meals, so please check the criteria and apply if you feel you might qualify

Lewisham will use some of their allocation from the Household Support Fund so that schools can provide supermarket vouchers of £15 per child per week during the school holidays for pupils who are eligible for free school meals. This has been confirmed until March 2024.

Universal Key Stage 1 free school meals

Universal infant (Key Stage 1) free school meals (UIFSM) provide funding for all state funded schools to offer free school meals to pupils in reception, year 1, and year 2.

Universal Key Stage 2 free school meals

Key Stage 2 (years 3-6) school children in state-funded schools in London will get free school meals for the current academic year (September 2023 – July 2024). The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan will provide the funding as an emergency cost of living support measure.

Lewisham schools use different catering providers. See individual school websites for more information on school meals provision.

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