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Helpful organisations and emergency support

Further help and support related to emotional wellbeing, mental health and learning, including emergency support.

Emergency support

Assistance if you are struggling or worried about the mental health of a child or young person.

If you have made an attempt to end your own life or if someone you know has attempted to end their life, call 999 or ask someone to call for you.


Childline provides a free confidential helpline and support from counsellors online for anyone up to age 19.

Telephone: 0800 1111

Visit the Childline website


Samaritans provide 24 hour confidential emotional support for people experiencing distress.

Telephone: 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org


This is a 24 hour text service for anyone in crisis or struggling to cope. It is free on all major mobile networks.

Text Shout to 85258

Visit the Shout website.

Helpful Organisations


With Kooth,11 to 24-year-olds can chat confidentially online to counsellors. You can also read articles written by young people, browse forums, and keep a daily journal.

Visit the Kooth website.

Young Minds

The Young Minds website offers advice and information about youth mental health issues.

Visit the Young Minds website.

Contact us

Lewisham Educational Psychology Team

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