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Benefits advice for the bereaved

We recommend that you apply for any benefits soon after the death. If you apply too late it may affect the amount you receive.

Contact your nearest Job Centre Plus for up to date information on claiming benefits and other matters.

Social fund funeral payment

The death may also affect your entitlement to other benefits such as:

  • Guardian’s Allowance

  • Income Support

  • Jobseeker’s Allowance

  • Pension Credit

  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

  • Tax Credits

  • Housing Benefit

  • Council Tax Benefit

Child benefit

Child benefit is paid to people who are bringing up children. If a parent or guardian has died and you are now bringing up their child(ren), you may be able to claim child benefit.

If a child has died, HM Revenue and Customs should be told within eight weeks. Email child.benefit@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk or call 0845 302 1444 for further details.

Council tax

Find out what you need to do about council tax when someone dies.

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