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We are proposing to consult on our parking policy

On Wednesday 27 March the Mayor and Cabinet will hear proposals to consult on updating the Council’s parking policy.

A key aim of these new proposals is to improve air quality across the borough. Making Lewisham greener is a corporate priority and Full Council recently declared a climate emergency. Tackling air pollution is also an inequalities issue, with those living in the most deprived areas being exposed to higher levels of air pollution. Each year in the UK around 40,000 deaths are attributable to exposure to outdoor air pollution. We are proud to be proposing strong steps that will improve air quality which will protect our resident’s health as well as the planet.

The proposals include introducing banded charges for resident and business parking permits based on a vehicle’s CO2 emissions. Parking permits for those with the least polluting vehicles would be cheaper than current permits, while those with the most polluting vehicles will pay the most.

If agreed, the six-week consultation will take place between May and June 2019. A draft of the proposed policy can be found online.

Read the Read the full Parking Policy Update report.

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