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Share your ideas for improving Deptford High Street

We are asking the local community to share their ideas for the future of Deptford High Street.

Over the next six weeks, we are asking the local community to share their ideas for the future of Deptford High Street. If you are a resident, business, trader, visitor or representative of a local community group, we want to hear from you.

Deptford High Street is the heart of Deptford - a vibrant community with a diverse range of independent shops, local businesses and community facilities, as well as the popular Deptford Market running three times a week.

It’s already a much-loved part of our borough and we want to help make Deptford High Street an even better place to live, work, visit and shop, ensuring it remains a vibrant high street for the local community, with a diverse range of independent shops and businesses and a thriving market.

As part of our work to support local businesses and market traders post-COVID, improve the cleanliness of our streets and create more welcoming spaces for pedestrians, we are asking residents, businesses, market traders and visitors to share their ideas about how we can improve Deptford High Street.

We want to know how we can make Deptford High Street:

  • A place where local businesses and market traders continue to thrive.
  • A more welcoming space for pedestrians.
  • A cleaner, greener and more sustainable space.
  • A safer and more accessible street.

Residents and visitors

We are asking local residents and visitors to complete our survey – either online or by picking up a physical copy and freepost envelope from The Albany. We have also launched an interactive map on Commonplace where you can submit your comments and ideas about Deptford High Street.

Residents living nearby to Deptford High Street will be sent information about the survey via post, to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to share their ideas.

You can complete the survey or leave comments on the interactive map until midnight on Monday 31 July.

We will also be organising ‘pop-up’ sessions at Deptford Market to engage as many local people as possible and hear about their experiences and ideas for Deptford High Street.

Visit our Commonplace page to complete the survey or contribute to the interactive map.

Businesses and market traders

We know local businesses and market traders are the heart of Deptford High Street - they provide essential goods and services for the community, attract visitors and create jobs. Three-quarters of businesses on Deptford High Street are independent and 70% are owned by Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority entrepreneurs.

In addition to engagement activities with the wider community, we will be carrying out door-to-door visits to local businesses and traders to ensure we hear directly from business owners and market traders. Businesses and traders will be invited to complete a specific survey with detailed information about the specific needs of their businesses and share their ideas for the future of Deptford High Street.

We will also be hosting a focused workshop with local businesses and traders to discuss the improvements they want to see in Deptford High Street in more detail.

Visit our Commonplace page to complete the business survey or contribute to the interactive map.

Community groups and local organisations

In addition to our engagement with residents, businesses, market traders and visitors, we will be reaching out directly to community groups and local organisations to get their feedback and hosting a specific workshop for these groups.

If you are a member of a community group or local organisation in Deptford and want to get in contact, you can email us via consultation@lewisham.gov.uk

Next steps

The information gathered from our engagement around Deptford High Street will help us understand how the high street is being used currently and how local residents, businesses, traders and visitors want to see the high street improved.

Using this information, we aim to make Deptford High Street an even better place to live, work, visit and shop, ensuring it remains a vibrant and diverse high street for the local community.

Once this engagement period has finished, we will look to see what improvements the local community want to see, based on the feedback received and develop more detailed proposals for potential improvements to Deptford High Street.

The local community will be fully consulted on any future proposals and no changes are being made at this stage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why have you decided to engage on Deptford High Street?

We know residents and businesses want to see continued investment in the high street to ensure it remains a vibrant and diverse high street for the local community to enjoy.

Local people know their community best, so we want to hear directly about the sort of improvements residents and businesses want to see, as well as gaining a better understanding of how the high street is used currently and any challenges it faces.

What will happen with the feedback received through this engagement activity?

Based on the feedback received from residents, businesses, market traders and visitors, we will look to see what improvements the local community want to see and develop more detailed proposals for potential improvements to Deptford High Street.

Once specific proposals are developed, will there be a formal public consultation?

Yes, once specific proposals are developed, we will hold a formal consultation to get the views of the local community. Residents, businesses and market readers will be notified once specific proposals and shared in the public domain and invited to provide feedback.

Are there plans to close Deptford Market?

No – we are committed to maintaining Deptford Market and it will continue to be a thriving and popular part of the high street.

I don’t live or work on Deptford High Street but I am a regular visitor - can I take part in the survey?

Yes, we want to hear from regular visitors to the high street, even if you don’t live in the area. This will give us a better understanding of who is visiting the high street and how it is used by visitors currently.

I can’t complete the online survey - how can I have my say?

If you are unable to complete the survey online, you can pick up a hard copy survey and freepost envelope from the Albany Theatre, Douglas Way, SE8 4AG.

Can I have assistance completing the survey?

If you are having difficulty completing either the online or hard copy survey, please contact us by emailing consultation@lewisham.gov.uk.

If you would like someone to go through the survey with you over the phone, please get in touch using one of the above contact methods and we will arrange a date and time for a call.

Will my postal submission be accepted if it arrives after the engagement end date?

You have until midnight on Monday 31 July to provide feedback via the survey or interactive map.

We will do our best to incorporate feedback received via post after this date and will accept completed surveys received up to one week after this date.

Who is delivering the engagement process?

The engagement process is being delivered by Project Centre, who specialise in place-making engagement activities, on behalf of the Council. The engagement team from Project Centre are working in conjunction with officers from the Council’s Transport, Highways, Business and Communications teams to deliver this engagement process.

Any decisions about future proposals for Deptford High Street will be taken by Lewisham Council.

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