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Lewisham honours foster carers with tree planting and dedication

New trees have been planted in Forster Memorial Park in honour of Lewisham foster carers

The Lewisham Fostering Service was joined today by Councillor Chris Barnham, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People, and Community Safety, Fostering Service staff and some very enthusiastic foster carers and care-experienced children to help plant trees in honour of Lewisham foster carers in Forster Memorial Park.

To mark the last day of Fostering Fortnight, a time to thank foster carers for opening their hearts and homes to children in need, the Fostering Service has got their hands dirty to show their gratitude to Lewisham foster carers.

The fostering team have planted a tulip tree and a prunifolia, donated by the Lewisham Parks team, near the playground in Forster Memorial Park. Next to the trees stands a plaque that reads, “dedicated to all the wonderful foster carers over the years who have opened their hearts and homes”.

There are around 500 children in Lewisham’s care. These children need foster carers to provide a safe and loving environment during a difficult time. Lewisham foster carers benefit from continuous training and support and a recent increase in allowances. For local residents, fostering with Lewisham benefits the children in care as they would not have to leave their school, friends and things that are familiar to them. Entering into the world of fostering would mean making a difference in the local community and helping Lewisham children in need.

Councillor Chris Barnham, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Community Safety said:

“These trees are a delightful addition to Forster Memorial Park and a lovely way to honour our hard-working foster carers. It was great to see the Fostering Service taking part in the London Borough of Culture gardening Creative Challenge. Being outdoors with nature improves mental health and wellbeing, especially doing activities with other people. We know how hard our foster carers work, which is why the Council have recently increased carer allowances. Seeing the difference our foster carers make in the lives of Lewisham children is heartening and I hope more residents are inspired to take on the role.”

Ola Aregbesola, Group Manager for the Fostering Service said:

“I am really pleased that we are able to honour our foster carers in this way. Our foster carers invest in the lives of our care-experienced children by making sure they are nurtured and helped to reach their full potential. Every day I am amazed at the care and dedication Lewisham foster carers give to our children. We are always looking for extraordinary people to become foster carers and encourage anyone who thinks they can make a difference to get in touch and find out more about fostering.”

Mo, a Lewisham foster carer, said:

“It was exciting for myself and my foster child to take part in planting the trees. Being a foster carer is like being a gardener. Being patient and making the conditions right for a little seedling to grow and blossom. Like gardening, fostering is difficult, but it's so rewarding to see the fruits of your efforts. Over the years as these trees grow, the children in Lewisham will too.”

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