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Lewisham Council secures £2.5m to transform Riverdale Sculpture Park

Lewisham Council has successfully bid for and secured £2.486 million in external funding from the Mayor of London’s Civic Partnership Programme.

The Council will also match fund the project up to approximately £1 million with money from developer contributions. The money will be used to transform Riverdale Sculpture Park and will encourage the local community to play a greater role in shaping how the area grows and delivering better public spaces to live, work and play. 

As part of a wider strategy to reconnect Lewisham Town Centre with the underlying river landscape, the funding will support the transformation of the existing Riverdale Sculpture Park by creating a riverside public space that is safe and enjoyable and connected to active travel routes; engaging with groups historically under-represented in shaping the Town Centre; and including river naturalisation, tree and shrub planting and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. 

The Council’s bid was one of five selected projects across London that will create open, connected and inclusive public spaces and high streets and deliver environmental improvements in partnership with the local community.

This work will complement the Council’s ambitious plans to transform Lewisham Town Centre to make it a greener, safer, more attractive place for people to shop, and spend their time and money in. The transformation of the town centre is part of the Council’s £24 million investment which will also see Lewisham Library and Market transformed, bringing in more visitors, helping to boost the local economy and creating lots of fantastic opportunities for local people. 

Artist sketch of Riverdale Sculpture Park

Image: Periscope

Cllr James-J Walsh, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration and Planning said:

“I am delighted that we have been successful in bidding for and securing such a significant sum of money. With the Council’s match funding, that £3.5 million will make an enormous difference to a part of the borough that is very much underused and needs some love. Nestled between Lewisham Town Centre and Lewisham Gateway it will really tie together these two transformative projects but also provide a calm oasis in a busy town centre when complete, all further helping to make sure we deliver a greener, healthier Lewisham for our residents.

“We will continue to work closely with the local community, experts and Lewisham community groups, such as Lewisham Youth Theatre and Lewisham Speaking Up, to make sure we are putting forward a design that is collaborative, speaks to the needs of the people that will use it and deliver a high quality public spaces our residents deserve.”

Works are estimated to begin in April 2026, after a longer period in design phase – to ensure co-design is embedded in the final park design.

Find out more details on the Civic Partnership Programme (CPP)

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