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Lewisham Council rescues elderly resident from unscrupulous £2,500 doorstep scam

Lewisham Council’s fast response officers joined the police to thwart dodgy builders attempting to con £2,500 from a Sydenham resident.
  • Lewisham Council joined local police to ruin a £2,500 con of a Sydenham resident.   
  • Timely reminder during International Fraud Awareness Week to be aware of scams especially as energy prices rise and criminals seek to take advantage 

Following a tip-off under the banking protocol that the resident had withdrawn an unusual amount of cash, officers dashed to the address to catch the builders who immediately ran off, without the £2,500 cash. The banking protocol is a system where banks and credit unions report any suspicious activities or unusual withdrawals to prevent such frauds. 

The elderly resident has now been listed as a vulnerable person on enforcement systems and Council officers worked with him so he can identify any scams in the future. Officers also contacted relatives to help prevent further incidents.   

The Council’s Trading Standards and Police work closely together to prevent such doorstep crime, which in addition to robbing people’s life savings often undermines their confidence to continue living independently in the community.  

Cllr Kim Powell, Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills said, “Our officers do great work chasing off unscrupulous doorstep criminals, but they rely on early alerts to prevent serious rip offs.  

With the cost of living crisis, criminals are more likely to try and take advantage of vulnerable people, so it’s really important that friends, relatives and neighbours are alert to dodgy builders, and scammers in general, targeting people in our community.” 

Residents are encouraged to report fraud to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, or call police immediately if it has happened in the last 24 hours. The Citizens Advice Bureau also has helpful advice on what to do and how to prevent scams. The Council also offers advice and talks on how to prevent scams, and discuss any concerns people might have about scams. More information can be found on the Council’s websiteInformation on preventing scams and report them can be found at the Citizens Advice Bureau

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