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Lewisham announces sixteen more School Streets schemes

Lewisham Council are delivering 16 new School Streets with support from the schools, parents and residents. This will bring the total number of School Streets in the borough to 26.

A photo of two road closure signs on a roadSchool Streets are timed closures of roads outside schools, which prevent vehicular traffic passing through at the start and end of the school day. Evidence from well-established schemes suggest School Streets can significantly improve air quality near the school, reduce traffic volumes, and increase the number of pupil’s walking and cycling to school. School Streets also support social distancing, preventing crowding on the pavement at pick up and drop off times.

School Streets schemes have already been introduced at ten local schools. Feedback from staff, parents and residents has been very positive.

On hearing the news that their child’s school would be joining the scheme earlier in the autumn, one parent wrote:

“Just a quick email to say how happy I am to hear that the School Streets road closure is coming to Myatt Garden Primary School. It definitely puts children first before cars. Well done to whoever was involved in making this happen.”

Another comment from a local resident and parent about the scheme at All Saints Primary School read:

“Honestly I really like the School Street closure. Seeing the children and parents walking down the road without any risk makes it the best solution. And I can guarantee that my neighbours have the same opinion.”

Viv Nicolls, the Head Teacher at Prendergast Ladywell, said:

“Since starting the School Street project in September, Ewhurst Road has become a cleaner and kinder place to be at pick-up and drop-off times. With COVID-19 restrictions limiting access to our school site, our families are able to congregate outside of our school gates with the knowledge that the street is a safer place to be.

As Head of School, I monitor the School Street each day equipped with my 'walkie talkie' and 'hi-vis jacket'. By doing this, our staff have been able to connect much more with our local community - it is great to say hello to not just our own families but local residents too. We are expecting cameras to monitor the School Street from January rather than staff, however we fully intend to continue to be a presence at the beginning and end of the day to maintain the positive relationships that we have formed with local residents. Due to the success of the Ewhurst Road project, our next priority will be to make access to our other school entrance in Sinclair Place a School Street.”

The Council has been working with primary schools and local communities on the schemes which see vehicles restricted from entering the streets unless the drivers live there or have a business on the street. Emergency service vehicles can still enter at any time. Work on the new schemes will begin in December with an aim to have them finished by the end of January.

Hackney Council reported in June that around nine of the schools where it has implemented measures, traffic had reduced by 68% and the number of pupils cycling had increased by over 50%. Vehicle emissions outside those schools were down by 74%. Evidence from Waltham Forest Council shows that their scheme has reduced traffic around schools during the peak time by 80% and has significantly reduced the NO2 concentrations.

Councillor Sophie McGeevor, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment said:

“School Streets are a powerful tool in our armoury to fight air pollution, reduce traffic and create a healthier, safer borough. They run alongside our declaration of a climate emergency, the council’s long term transport strategy and promotion of walking and cycling to address inactivity as alternatives to driving.

Their implementation means improved road safety and a reduction in needless engine idling. Residents nearby are also seeing the benefits from having less traffic on their streets at those times. I would like to thank the hard work of many teachers who support the schemes at the beginning and end of each school day.

We already have ten schemes in place. I’m pleased that we can add these 16 schools, Haseltine, Rathfern, Myatt Garden, Kilmorie, St William of York, St John the Baptist, Lucas Vale, Athelney and Good Shepherd, Eliot Bank, Coopers Lane, Gordonbrock, Rushey Green, Holy Cross, Brindishe Green and Holbeach schools will all benefit.”

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