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Housing futures update

Services currently managed by Lewisham Homes are set to be transferred to Lewisham Council, following a decision by Mayor and Cabinet last night.

It follows a consultation of tenants and leaseholders over the summer, in which 71% of respondents said they support the proposal, 6% disagreed and 23% said they ‘don’t know’.

Work will now begin to transfer staff and services over to the Council by the end of 2023.

Many councils have taken similar decisions in recent years, in part due to the changes in building safety regulations following the Grenfell fire tragedy, and because the Arm's Length Management Organisation (ALMO) model of housing management no longer attracts higher levels of Government funding. The move also aims to provide a more joined up service, strengthen resident voices and provide better value for money.

Tenants and leaseholders do not need to do anything and will continue to access their services in the same way. The change will not affect tenancy and leasehold agreements, and they will receive a letter confirming the decision in the coming weeks. 

Cllr Sophie Davis, Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Homelessness, said: “We’re ambitious for our future housing management service, and I'm looking forward to working with the Lewisham Homes Board, tenants, leaseholders and staff on a smooth transition, and to make sure the feedback we received over the summer is reflected in our improvement plans.

“I’d like to thank all those who took the time to share their views over the summer. Their responses have shaped the decision to bring housing management in-house, and will go on to influence our priorities and focus over the next year.” 

Ainsley Forbes MBE, Chair of Lewisham Homes Board, said: “The Board will be working with the Council to make sure the transfer happens as smoothly as possible, for our residents and staff. Changes won’t happen overnight, and we’ll continue to oversee the important work Lewisham Homes do to look after your homes, support tenants, leaseholders and communities over the year ahead.”

A list of FAQs is being regularly updated on both the Council and Lewisham Homes websites. If you have a question that isn’t answered there, please email Residents-housingfutures@lewishamhomes.org.uk.

You can read the report to Mayor and Cabinet and watch a recording of the meeting on the Council’s website.

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