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Careless not cosy - it's scary what wood burning stoves are doing to Lewisham

A new campaign has launched to raise awareness of the health risks associated with using wood-burning stoves.

Image from the London Wood Burning Project showing Burny the smoke monster alongside the text: wood burners. It's scary what they're doing to public health

A new campaign has launched to raise awareness of the health risks associated with using wood-burning stoves. Lewisham Council is part of a city-wide initiative called the London Wood Burning Project, which involves 17 London boroughs working together to address air pollution caused by wood burning at home. The Council's involvement in this project reflects a commitment to improving air quality and informing residents about the potential dangers of wood burning and their health.

Even the most up-to-date wood-burning stoves emit high levels of particulate matter (PM2.5), a cause of increased pollution. Burning wet, seasoned, or dry wood releases PM2.5, a cancer-causing pollutant, and can cause asthma and other illnesses affecting our lungs, hearts, and brains. Research by the London Wood Burning Project found that in Lewisham, burning wood for heating causes an annual loss of approximately 116 life years. Additionally, domestic wood burning is associated with approximately three new cases of asthma in older children and three new hospital admissions annually.

Councillor Louise Krupski, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Action, said:

“As a member council of the London Wood Burning Project, we are actively contributing to addressing air pollution caused by domestic wood burning in our borough. The Clean Air Act sets rules for areas like Lewisham, but many people do not know about the health risks of wood burning.

“We are dedicated to doing everything in our power to reduce all sources of air pollution and safeguard the health of our residents. However, we realise that this cannot be done alone. That is why we are working with 16 London boroughs on a project. Being part of this initiative shows our commitment to a cleaner, healthier environment in Lewisham for everyone. Research shows that residents are not aware that burning solid fuels causes air pollution. This highlights the need for a campaign like this.”

The London Borough of Lewisham is a smoke control area. This means you cannot emit smoke from a chimney unless you’re burning an authorised fuel or using an exempt appliance.

Although considered lifestyle choices, wood burners and fireplaces contribute to indoor and outdoor pollution, even high-rated appliances.

Follow the London Wood Burning Project on Instagram, Facebook and X for updates.

Read the rules for chimneys, bonfires, open fires, and wood burning stoves in Lewisham.

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