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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It's a good time to remember that attending routine screening appointments should be top of your to-do list. We spoke to local health professionals to find out why.

White text on an orange background reads: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer screening is one of the main types of cancer screening for adults in England. A mammogram (breast x-ray) can detect cancer at an early stage before there are symptoms, when treatment is more likely to be successful.

Every three years, women aged between 50 and 70 will receive an invitation through the post to book an appointment. The NHS has made it easier for people to attend screening by offering early appointments for people who work during the day as well as weekend slots.

Unfortunately, not enough women in Lewisham are attending their screening appointments and screening rates in the borough are among some of the lowest in London. This means that women in Lewisham are less likely to be diagnosed and treated at an early stage.

“We know that people are busy, but it’s important for women to prioritise screening” says Tracey Blancke, Programme Manager at South East London Breast Screening Service.

Councillor Juliet Campbell, Lewisham’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Refugees and Wellbeing, concurs: “1 in 7 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. The vast majority of women who attend screening will get a clean bill of health, however in the small minority of cases where cancer is found, early detection means that treatment is much more likely to be successful.”

Some women are understandably nervous or uncomfortable about attending a screening appointment. Screening services have worked hard to make the experience as comfortable as possible. “All staff at the screening appointment will be female-only and will carefully explain step-by-step what they’re doing and what to expect”, says Tracey Blancke, “and the screening itself only takes a few moments”.

Lewisham GP Esther Appleby recently attended her screening appointment and described the experience as “far easier than I expected”. “It was less uncomfortable than a tight blood pressure cuff”, she says, “and far less painful than eyebrow threading!”.

While life can be busy and demanding, it’s important that all women aged 50-70 put screening at the top of their to-do lists. “Breast screening saves lives”, Tracey reminds us, “and the next life it saves might just be yours.”

Anyone registered with a GP as female will be invited for NHS breast screening every 3 years between the ages of 50 and 70. You'll get a letter in the post inviting you.

For more information visit the London Breast Screening website: https://www.london-breastscreening.org.uk/home.aspx

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