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Meet the Apprentice: An interview with Lewisham Council Trainee Projects and Admin Assistant, Louis Hayler

We caught up with Louis Hayler, a Lewisham Council apprentice who works on the Lewisham Apprenticeship Programme itself to find out more about him and the programme.

Why did you choose to apply for a Lewisham apprenticeship?Louis Hayler

I chose to apply for a Lewisham apprenticeship because although I had worked in retail I wanted to gain experience of working in an office. I had also heard that working for a council was a good opportunity and was confident that I would be supported.

What was the application process like?

I applied for a couple of positions. I found completing the application to be a fairly simple process that didn’t take too long. I talked about the skills I had taught myself, like using Microsoft Office software, Photoshop and building PCs. I also mentioned what I had learnt from my retail role like good time management and taking on the responsibility of opening up the shop. I have IT and business qualifications but you didn’t need those to apply. It was just about making the most of your life experience so far.

What does your role involve and what do you enjoy about it?

I work on the apprenticeships programme itself. I do all the tasks that happen in the background from contacting managers, putting job vacancies up on the website, managing applications as they come in – making sure we have all the details to finalise their application, and overseeing the recruitment process, from shortlisting to appointment. I even got to take part in interviewing an apprentice for a position. I enjoy working with my colleagues and supporting apprentices as well as employers with the process.

What is it like to work as an apprentice during this time?

I started at the end of 2019 which was about 3 months before the first lockdown. I had a warm welcome when I started and quickly learnt my way around the office. Then it was all change to working from home. It took a while to adjust. I’ve learnt that routine and having a schedule helps, having a different space to work in than to relax, and keeping in contact with colleagues. Even a quick video chat with someone keeps you connected.

What have you achieved so far? And what are your future plans?

Last autumn we had a campaign to advertise 100 opportunities in a 100 days. We managed to get 180 positions in a wide variety of roles which was fantastic. It meant I worked hard but to support so many people in applying and starting new apprenticeship roles made me feel like I was really making a difference. I’ve worked closely with my managers and they have been supportive.
In the future I’d love to continue to work in the council and perhaps do an apprenticeship that further develops my skills. Procurement is something I’m thinking about but I’m open to all opportunities.

What advice would you give to other residents who are thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

I’d recommend it. If you are thinking about it then go for it. There is a lot of support available for apprentices, you get a great experience of the workplace and as well as getting paid you learn a qualification to help you progress too. We have apprentices of all ages from 16 upwards so whatever your age do get in touch.

Learn more about Lewisham's Apprenticeship Programme and the opportunities available

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