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Meet the Apprentice: An interview with Lewisham Council Housing Apprentice, Ryan Skinner

We caught up with Ryan Skinner, a Lewisham Council Housing Apprentice to find out more about the Lewisham Apprenticeship Programme.

Ryan Skinner PhotoWhy did you choose to apply for a Lewisham apprenticeship?

I applied to do an apprenticeship because I wanted to gain a qualification whilst working in a profession, as opposed to going to university and then trying to get a job.

Whilst at college some teachers would suggest useful websites for finding apprenticeships. I found the Lewisham council apprenticeship programme on the Council’s website while browsing the internet. It looked good with accredited qualifications and this role looked an interesting one where I could learn a lot.

What was the application process like?

The application process was easy to understand. As a young person applying directly after college I had to put some thought in to how best to meet the criteria. I learnt that when applying you can use transferable skills from beyond a working or studying environment. For me that meant using my experience as a football coach.

What does your role involve and what do you enjoy about it?

My role involves contacting clients for surveys or information on their current housing situation, monitoring the progress of homelessness prevention cases and managing the housing documents inbox.

I enjoy learning the process of how we work as a team and communicating with clients on a daily basis. I like to make sure people seeking advice have the opportunity to share information, so the team can provide the best support possible.

What is it like to start a role during this time?

Lockdown was in place when I started, so I’ve been working from home and communicating with colleagues using video calls. My manager made me feel welcome, provides any support I need and he is easy to communicate with. I have also been attending learning sessions with other apprentices using video conference software which has gone well.

What have you achieved so far? And what are your future plans?

I like to think that I’ve made a positive difference to the outcomes of people coming to our service for housing advice. I’ve had the chance to gain experience of how housing works within the council and I’ve improved my communication and organisational skills. At the same time I’ve successfully completed a number of assignments for my qualification.

My future plan after completing the apprenticeship is to work within the housing industry and I’m also interested in the property management business. I feel this apprenticeship will help me toward this ambition.

What advice would you give to other residents who are thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

If you are unsure about the career you want and don’t plan to go to university, an apprenticeship is a good alternative. On-the-job training and studying towards nationally recognised qualifications is as valuable as it is practical. So find out more about Lewisham’s apprenticeships and if you see something that is of interest then get your application in.

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