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COVID-19 in Lewisham - 12 February update

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health shares the latest update on coronavirus in our borough and the steps we can all take to help protect ourselves and everyone in our communities.

The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 is gradually reducing across London. As we learn more about the new variants and how widely these are spreading, it is vital we keep up our efforts in protecting everyone in our community.

National restrictions remain in place, so please stay at home and follow the rules to protect each other. Everyone in the NHS is working hard to look after those who are seriously ill with COVID-19 and continue the roll out of the vaccination.

Testing helps everyone

As new variants emerge, testing becomes even more vital to our efforts to keep Lewisham safe. There are two types of COVID-19 test widely available.

Not only is testing important to determine whether you have coronavirus and make sure you get the right care, but it supports our efforts to contain infection through those with positive test results and those that have been in close contact with people self-isolating. Find resources on financial support if you’re self-isolating. This is so important to help us take action to stop the spread and prevent outbreaks.

All tests are completely safe and deliver quick results. There are places to get a test all across the borough so it’s really convenient for everyone who lives and works in Lewisham.

From next week, rapid tests for those without symptoms will be available at Deptford Lounge as well as the Civic Suite, Catford and The Green Man, Deptford. If you can’t work from home right now, you should be getting a rapid test twice a week either at your place of work or by booking an appointment at one of our centres. Book a rapid COVID-19 test at one of our testing centres.

Businesses with more than 50 employees can arrange for rapid COVID-19 testing in the workplace by visiting the Government's website. If your business has fewer than 50 employees and you can't set up rapid testing in your workplace, email us at rapidtest@lewisham.gov.uk. We can arrange dedicated slots for employees at one of our rapid test centres or outreach testing at your workplace.

Your vaccination questions answered

If you are aged over 70 or are clinically extremely vulnerable, you can now book your COVID-19 vaccination appointment directly on the NHS website, or by calling 119. There are 45 places to get the vaccination across South East London so you shouldn’t need to travel far from home. You no longer need a letter to book an appointment at your local vaccination centre or community pharmacy. However, you will still need an invitation if you would prefer to receive your vaccination at your GP surgery.

If you’ve had the vaccination, please talk about your experience. Your words will help reassure other people who may be still be concerned. Read some accounts from local people who have recently had their COVID-19 vaccination.

Early insights from our COVID-19 vaccine survey tell us that Lewisham’s residents want to be reassured on the vaccination’s safety by people they trust – their own doctor or a close friend or family member. Sitting down to chat through concerns is an important way to help everyone understand why it is so important to get the vaccination. Find out more about our COVID-19 vaccine survey.

Here in Lewisham, the NHS South London CCG is a reliable, trusted source of information. Take the time to find out the facts and help your loved ones understand the truth about the COVID-19 vaccination and why it’s such a positive step forward for everyone. Find up to date information on the COVID-19 vaccine on the NHS South East London CCG website.

I’ve covered a couple of the more frequently asked questions on the vaccination below.

What’s in the vaccination?

The vaccination is completely safe. It won’t alter your DNA. Neither of the two COVID-19 vaccines currently being rolled out contain any animal products or egg.

What if I can’t get to the vaccination centre?

If you are housebound, you will be contacted by your GP service about alternative ways to get vaccinated. If you are invited to attend a national vaccination centre – which may be further from your home – you can also wait until more locations closer to where you live become available.

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