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Apply for funding to make the borough greener

If you are a volunteer, or part of a community group, working to make the borough greener you can apply for funding through the Mayor's Greening Fund.

Greening Fund Achievements 2019-21

We are pleased to say that the 2019 Greening Fund received applications from 33 volunteer groups across the borough’s Parks, Allotments and Nature Reserves. As a result, Phase 1 of the Mayor’s Greening Fund provided the following improvements:

  • 144 litter and dog waste bins
  • 44 park benches or seats
  • 23 disabled-friendly picnic tables
  • 16 biodiversity or sustainability enhancements
  • 13 items of outdoor gym equipment
  • 2 water-saving schemes – water butts/water storage tanks
  • 64 bird or bat nest boxes
  • 12 trees
  • 14 disabled-friendly raised bed planters
  • 3 entrance enhancements
  • 31 interpretative signage / noticeboard installations
  • 13 children’s play area improvements
  • 2 compost toilets.
  • 3 drinking water fountains

Overall, more than £360,000 was allocated through the fund in its first phase, bringing improvements to 33 sites.

Lewisham 2019 Green Fund Allocations

  • Grow Mayow Community Garden
  • Lewisham Park (Crescent) RA
  • Friends of Ladywell Fields
  • Friends of Frendsbury Gardens
  • Sydenham Wells Park Improvement Group (SWPIG)
  • Friends of Manor House Gardens
  • Friends of Woodland Walk
  • Friends of Eckington Gardens
  • Chinbrook Meadows Allotments
  • Blackhorse Road Allotments
  • Deptford Folk - Folkestone Gardens & Sayes Court Park
  • Besson Street Community Garden
  • Longton Nursery Allotments
  • Tewksbury Lodge Estate Residents Association
  • Friends of Mayow Park
  • Friends of Fordham Park
  • St. John's Society 
  • Friends of Blythe Hill Fields
  • Friends of Manor Park
  • Friends of Baxters Fields
  • Friends of Mountsfield Park
  • Friends of Chinbrook Meadows
  • Friends of River Pool Linear Park
  • Friends of Albion Millennium Green
  • Culverly Green Residents Association
  • Friends of Hilly Fields
  • Verdant Lane Lampost Community Garden
  • Friends of Luxmore Gardens
  • Barmeston Road Allotment Association
  • Friends of Forster Memorial Park
  • Meadow Close Allotment Society
  • Lee & District land Club Society
  • Friends of Grove Park Nature Reserve

About the Greening Fund

The Greening Fund provides grants of up to £40,000 to support volunteers and community groups working to make the borough greener. This will help improve air quality and the local environment. The fund comes from section 106 money.

What the money can be spent on

The money can be used on projects that will improve green infrastructure.

The themes for 2021 are as follows:

  • Access – enabling inclusive and equitable access to our open spaces which are at the heart of local neighbourhoods and community well-being. Enhancing spaces so that they are safe, welcoming and promote physical and social accessibility for Lewisham’s diverse population.
  • Young People and Play – access to good quality open spaces for fresh air, interactive play, physical exercise, education and a safe environment to gather with family and friends, pivotal to the health and well-being of young people.
  • Biodiversity and Sustainability – all of our green spaces have varying landscape features and serve differing needs according to the local area. Where applicable and appropriate a range of landscapes and characteristics is desirable to encourage more and varied wildlife as well as incorporate elements that can help mitigate the effects of climate challenges. Additionally a more biodiverse open space offers educational purposes for young people and opportunities for all to engage with nature.

Who can apply

  • Park user groups
  • Allotment committees
  • Community gardens
  • Nature reserves

These must be constituted groups on Council-owned land.

Closing date

11.59pm on Friday 24th September 2021.

More information

Get in touch with us.  

Greening fund

Greening Fund

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