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Grants for private landlords

Private landlords who own rented properties can apply for a grant to help improve their properties.

What is the private landlord grant?

This accredited landlord grant is an incentive to accredited landlords to help ensure the supply of good quality private rented accommodation, free of hazards.

Amount available:

  • up to 50% of the eligible cost of the work (including fees) up to a maximum of £4,000 for self-contained properties or
  • up to 50% of the eligible cost of work (including fees) up to a maximum of £8,000 for licensed Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

What this grant can fund

  • Resolve any Category 1 or 2 hazards that the Council have brought to the attention of the property owner 
  • provide adequate kitchen, bathroom and/or amenities as required within a licensable HMO
  • provide 270mm loft insulation and cavity wall insulation (where appropriate)
  • works to improve energy efficiency at the property to bring it up to a minimum EPC rating of C
  • works to improve compliance with fire and building regulations 

Who can apply?

Applicants must be the owner of the property and:

  • a member of the London Landlord Accreditation Scheme (LLAS) or a recognised landlord association
  • a ‘fit and proper’ person
  • renting or intending to rent the property to someone who is not a member of their family
  • the privately rented property must be older than 10 years
  • landlords who are leaseholders must have at least 7 years left to run on their lease
  • landlords with licensable properties who are without a licence, must also apply for a licence before making a grant application.  

For full information on the grant and conditions, please read the full Housing Assistance Policy.

How to apply

To make an enquiry or to start the grant application process email: grantsandloans@lewisham.gov.uk or call our Private Sector Housing Agency on 020 8314 6622.

To find out if a disabled person is eligible for a visit and assessment by an Occupational Therapist, contact the Community Occupational Therapy service direct on telephone 020 8314 7777.

Before the Council can decide whether to approve or refuse a housing assistance application, the applicant must submit a valid application. A valid application will consist of completing and submitting the following documents:

  • an application form
  • an owner-occupation certificate or tenants certificate
  • proof of ownership from the owner or landlord
  • proof of earnings or benefits
  • if the applicant is a tenant, written confirmation from the owner that they agree to the work being carried out
  • two quotations from legitimate building contractors
  • details of any professional fees and/or other ancillary charges
  • If the applicant has a long term serious illness, the Council may require a medical report from the applicant’s GP or consultant.

Where necessary, the applicant may be required to submit further supporting documentation or information to help the Council reach a decision. 

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