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Health and safety inspections

We carry out regular checks on offices, shops, warehouses, places used for leisure activities and other non-industrial premises.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) deals with factories and other industrial workplaces. They ensure that safe and healthy working conditions are provided for all employees, the self-employed and members of the public visiting these premises.

Inspections are carried out without prior notification, while high-risk premises are visited more frequently.

During an inspection, officers will need to be satisfied that any hazards to people's health, safety and welfare have been identified and associated risks adequately controlled.

They will check:

  • that managers and employees have received suitable health and safety training

  • that the structural and environmental conditions are adequate
  • that plant and equipment are safe

Where work practices or conditions are found to be unsatisfactory, where appropriate every attempt will be made to resolve the situation by informal means.

If this is not possible, or if the danger posed gives rise to a risk of serious personal injury, then officers will resort to formal action. This could involve either the service of a legal notice, prosecution, or in situations where serious personal injury could arise, a prohibition notice requiring immediate action.

Information and advice

We are committed to working together with employers to help them to achieve high standards of health and safety management.

We are always willing to give advice on legislation or practical problems, so if you are considering setting up a business, or wish to discuss anything in relation to your existing premises, please feel free to contact us.


Health and Safety Enforcement

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