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European Parliament election results 2009

See the results of the European Parliament election that happened on 4 June 2009.

All 27 member states had elections from 4–7 June 2009 with almost 500 million European citizens eligible to vote. The 785 MEPs were elected for a five-year term.

Results for Greenwich and Lewisham

British National Party 2,083
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" 2,294
Conservative Party 8,440
English Democrats Party 734
Jury Team 161
Liberal Democrats 7,197
No2EU: Yes To Democracy 572
Pro Democracy: Libertas.eu 243
Socialist Labour Party 661
The Green Party 9,435
The Labour Party 13,927
The Socialist Party of Great Britain 227
United Kingdom Independence Party 4,710
Yes 2 Europe 85
Gene Alcantara 30
Steven Cheung 196
Jan Jananayagam 1,992
Sohale Rahman 27
Haroon Saad 26
A – want of an official mark 1
B – voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to 244
C – writing or mark by which voter could be identified 1
D – being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 122
Total votes 53,408


UK regions

The UK is divided into twelve electoral regions with between three and ten MEPs each and they are elected under a system of proportional representation.

About the European Parliament

The Parliament is the only directly elected body in the European Union. The members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are there to represent you, as an EU citizen. For more information visit the European Parliament website.

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